Frequently Asked Question

Crescent Goods is a leading online retailer of products that inform, educate, and inspire. The Crescent Goods group also has stores in the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Japan and United Kingdom. Because we exist “virtually” on the Web, we have unlimited shelf space and can offer a selection of over 17 million titles.

Titles have different availabilities simply due to their demand, proximity, and availability to Crescent Goods We also source our products from various distributors. The availability on products we obtain from distributors may vary according to whether the distributor has the product in stock or not.

If a title is listed as out of stock or unavailable, it means that it is not currently available to Crescent Goods or not in stock through our distribution channels. However, you may still be able to sell out of stock items through our Marketplace feature.

Our sales rank is just like a bestseller list, except instead of listing just the top 50 or so titles, it includes millions! The lower the number, the higher the popularity for that particular title in comparison to other items listed. Items are ranked within their product category only, at Crescent Goods but may not be the overall best-selling item.

Sales rank data is calculated hourly. While we cannot provide specific information about our calculation formula, Crescent Goods Marketplace sales are also included in the calculation. Please keep in mind that our sales rank figures are simply meant to be a guide of general interest for the customer and not definitive sales information for vendors – we assume you have this information regularly from your distribution sources.

You can ensure that your product listing has complete and correct title, author/artist/actor, and subject information. This information helps customers easily find items they will want to purchase in our store.

In addition, we offer our customers numerous tools to aid them in their hunt.

We will send you regular updates about the status of your order via emails and SMS. After your order has left our warehouse and is on its way to you, you can also track its status by entering your tracking number on ‘Need Help?’.


We don’t provide sales information to vendors at this time due to the competitive nature of our business. for more information concerning the sales of their titles.

At Crescent Goods it’s up to you to make your titles stand out on our virtual shelves. You have the opportunity, using descriptive content and images, to personally hand-sell your titles to customers and persuade them to purchase. Following are the most important pieces of information you can add to your product detail page.

At this time, we do not sell banner advertising on our site. However, for information on Co-op promotional opportunities, please visit our Coop page.

The best way to promote your product is to add descriptive content and images (as described above) to your product’s detail page.

Check out our Associates program! You’ll receive a referral fee based on Crescent Goods book sales you refer from your own Web pages. We become your order processing and fulfillment centre.

We take the orders on our Web site using our proven software and secure servers. We supply, package, and ship the products. We bill the customer. We handle all customer service. We send you detailed weekly activity reports. Vendors who use Crescent Goods to fulfill their visitors’ product orders. Sign up online?!

Sorry, returns are not possible after the 7 days return period. You can reach our team for further questions 24/7 under

If you experience issues after the Crescent Goods return/exchange period has elapsed, you can claim your warranty (if any) from the authorized service center of the brand.